Dear visitor.............

I am happy to release this blog, containing simple articles about architecture & some of my JiPeg collection.
I wish you'll enjoy it.
The first is about the beginning of Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque & Rococo period in Europe early 11 century which influenced the way of modern architecture had risen later in 20 century, whereas Industrial Revolution & art movements like Art Nouveau & The Supersensualists were strongly coped Europe.
Nowadays, the relation between architecture & global business become more stronger, photographs on the right column shows the evident.
So that, my fellow visitors, with this Blog you could see the way I learn about architectural matter.
I can assure you that, NOT ANY sentence & even one JiPeg have taken from WebSite.
And I also would like to ask your commitment NOT TO COPY anything from this blog.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Think about architecture

Architecture is not just a building....
Its far beyond Poetry and Painting
That a mankind can not live, just with those
....mara iskandar, arch. jurnalist

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