Dear visitor.............

I am happy to release this blog, containing simple articles about architecture & some of my JiPeg collection.
I wish you'll enjoy it.
The first is about the beginning of Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque & Rococo period in Europe early 11 century which influenced the way of modern architecture had risen later in 20 century, whereas Industrial Revolution & art movements like Art Nouveau & The Supersensualists were strongly coped Europe.
Nowadays, the relation between architecture & global business become more stronger, photographs on the right column shows the evident.
So that, my fellow visitors, with this Blog you could see the way I learn about architectural matter.
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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Charles Edouard JEANNERET & Ludwig MIES van der ROHE

LA GRANDE ARCHE - Tete Defense - Paris, 1987 - Otto van SPRECKELSEN - A new PURISM style? (Le Corbusier's follower?)

MIES & Phyllis Lambert (Owner of Seagram Building) - NewsWeek magazine, July 2, 2001

SEAGRAM Building - New York (Park Avenue), 1958 - MIES & Philip Johnson

LAKE SHORE DRIVE - Chicago, 1951 - MIES

HIGH-COURT (Honeycomb wall) - Chandigarh, India - LIFE World Library 1961- Le CORBUSIER

Sketch by LC - DIONYSIOS shows the double nature of a cruel - The tragic persona of LC, part Daemonic (evil) & part Humane (good guy) like "Dr. Jeckill & Mr. Hyde"

Halo pembaca, tulisan dibawah ini merupakan sebagian gambaran dari perkembangan arsitektur dunia yang difokuskan pada perjalanan hidup dua orang arsitek legendaris Le Corbusier dan Mies, dimana hampir seluruh kehidupan profesional mereka dipenuhi dengan kontroversi. Hal tersebut terjadi mungkin dikarenakan semasa hidupnya tidak dapat lepas dari perkembangan sosial-politik pada masa perang dunia di Eropa yang selalu sulit untuk diprediksi, serta sikap idealisme nya yang sering tidak terfokus pada pemecahan permasalahan sosial-ekonomi dibeberapa wilayah urban improvement diluar daratan Eropa kemudian hari. Selamat membaca

Le Corbusier adalah arsitek yang penuh kontroversi, mungkin otak kanan dan kirinya "konflik" satu dengan lainnya, seorang Humanisme yang menyembah diri sendiri (he was believed Him self - mara iskandar)

Architect has nothing to do with the various style - LC (setuju bangett dahh !!)

I believe LC & the group around Him are extremely useful, extremely valuable, especially as an enemy - Frank LLoyd Wright

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